
  • Fast and optimal speed!
  • Works on all Youtube videos (except: private videos, blocked worldwide)
  • 100% free
  • Bitrate: MP3(192Kbps), MP4(720p)
  • Videos are longer than 2 hours
  • Possible ADS appear (Safe and non-offensive)
  • and more...


  • It's an API that helps developers add YouTube download buttons (MP3 or MP4) in a simple, secure and free way.
  • Download button is integrated through the Iframe, which means it will not affect the speed of the website and users will never have to leave your website.

Demo & Iframe API

MP3 Button

<iframe style="width:100%;min-width:200px;max-width:350px;height:57px;border:0;overflow:hidden;" scrolling="no" src="//ytc.life/button/mp3/YOUTUBE_ID"></iframe>

MP4 Button

<iframe style="width:100%;min-width:200px;max-width:350px;height:57px;border:0;overflow:hidden;" scrolling="no" src="//ytc.life/button/mp4/YOUTUBE_ID"></iframe>

&bg= color of the button (string - hex code without #)

Button code generator: